ክርከብ ዝኽእል መራኸቢታት

ሚኒስትር ወጻኢ ጉዳያት ኣሜሪካ ናብ ሄሮሽማ ይበጽሑ

Liu Xia, the widow of Chinese Nobel dissident Liu Xiaobo, smiles as she arrives at the Helsinki International Airport in Vantaa, Finland. China allowed Liu Xia to fly to Berlin, ending an eight-year house arrest that had drawn intense international criticism and turned the 57-year old poet - who reluctantly followed her husband into politics two decades ago - into a tragic icon known around the world.
Liu Xia, the widow of Chinese Nobel dissident Liu Xiaobo, smiles as she arrives at the Helsinki International Airport in Vantaa, Finland. China allowed Liu Xia to fly to Berlin, ending an eight-year house arrest that had drawn intense international criticism and turned the 57-year old poet - who reluctantly followed her husband into politics two decades ago - into a tragic icon known around the world.

ንናይ ጃፓን ከተማ ሄሮሽማ ዝበጽሑ ዘለዉ ናይ መጀመርያ ሚኒስትር ጉዳያት ወጻኢ ኣሜሪካ ብምዃኖም ዓሙቕ ስምዒት ከምዘሕደረሎም ጆን ኬሪ ገሊጾም። ሄሮሽማ ኣብ ጥቓ ምውዳእ ካልኣይ ኩናት ዓለም ኣሜሪካ ኣቶሚክ ቦምብ ዝደርበየትላ ከተማ ጃፓን’ያ።

ጆን ኬሪ ምስ ካልኦት ሚኒስትራት ወጻኢ ጉዳያት ሸውዓተ ሃገራት ጉጅለ-7 ብኢንዱስትሪ ዝማዕበላ ሃገራት ንክልተ መዓልታት ዘካየድዎ ኣኼባ ድሕሪ ምዝዛም ኣብ ዝሃብዎ ርእይቶ’ዮም ነዚ ገሊጾም።
