Moammar Ghadafi: 7 juin 1942 – 20 octobre 2011
Quelques dates marquantes du règne de Mouammar Kadhafi

File picture of Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi with official picture taken in Libya, the 25 February 1975, (AFP).

Libyan Head of State Colonel Moammar Gadhafi, born in 1942, formed in 1963 the Free Officers Movement, a group of revolutionary army officers, which overthrew 01 September 1969 King Idris of Libya and proclaimed Libya, in the name of "freedom, socialism a

Libyan Head of State Colonel Moammar Gadhafi prays 21 July 1989 in Bamako during six-African-nation summit to resolve a territorial dispute between Libya and Chad, (AFP).

In this1969 picture of Libyan Head of State Colonel Moammar Gadhafi (L) shaking hands in Tripoli with the President of Mauritania (1961-78), Mokhtar Ould Daddah, (AFP).